Mon Ami Foundation is committed to setting up the largest Crochet movement in the country, through extensive skill building efforts. Our livelihood sustainability model ensures that women participants work from the safety and comfort of their homes. Working through self-help groups, we ensure equitable growth for all participants, who are primarily migrants or from low income families.
Mon Ami Foundation is committed to setting up the largest Crochet movement in the country, through extensive skill building efforts. Our livelihood sustainability model ensures that women participants work from the safety and comfort of their homes. Working through self-help groups, we ensure equitable growth for all participants, who are primarily migrants or from low income families.
The Crochet movement has taken root with CSR funding from HCL Foundation, under the HCL Uday program.
We have steadily built capacity to undertake projects of all sizes for both domestic and international markets.
At Mon Ami Foundation, we are driven by our passion to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth amongst communities by maximising the social impact of corporate investment. Our efforts are in sync with the CSR Act for social responsibility in India, and we work with corporates to maximise impact on-ground.
To become a market linkage partner or to commission direct projects, do connect with us at