Mon Ami Foundation
Mon Ami Foundation
An Independent, Not for Profit, registered Trust

sustainable planet

Blog tagged as sustainable planet

Design Thinking to Interpret Crochet

By Apratim Banerjee

Design Thinking to Interpret Crochet

Design Thinking to Interpret Crochet

Crochet, the seemingly effortless counting and repeating of a basic stitch, to create lace-like, intricate products, has captured the imagination of crafters through the ages. However, as craftspeople have followed the same system of product development for years,...
18.07.23 08:05 PM - Comment(s)

Estimating the Economic Impact of interventions Utkarsh Majmudar

By Apratim Banerjee

Estimating the Economic Impact of interventions - Utkarsh Majmudar

Mon Ami undertakes craft related projects that result in proved livelihood for its for its beneficiaries. Companies fund project and part of the funds are used for administration, training, and other purposes. A part of the fund is us...
18.07.23 08:05 PM - Comment(s)

Future of Handicraft: The Opportunity

By Apratim Banerjee

Future of Handicraft: The Opportunity

Future of Handicraft: The Opportunity

The Global Handicraft market is on a fast track. The market stood at a value of USD 704.7 billion in 2022. Interestingly, the Global Computer Hardware market is similar sized. Something, that is tracked and chased by lot of my friends.

The handcrafts market is com...

18.07.23 08:05 PM - Comment(s)
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